Are you in a slump with your chiropractic practice? I hope that you're plenty busy and your business is thriving. But if you are in a bit of a recession, these tips might help. They come from Steven Visentin, DC, a Denver practitioner and marketing advisor. Below, I have summarized his ChiroEco article with tips to turn things around.
Chiropractic has a history of more than 100 years helping people correct vertebral subluxation. This is a fact you can rely on when marketing yourself. Dr. Visentin suggests that if you focus on the treatment you give your current patients, you can produce 50% new patients in your practice through referrals. Here are more of Dr. Visentin's tips for making this happen:
- Your well-delivered chiropractic adjustment is like your signature. Focus on each patient and strive to create a life-changing event that exceeds expectation.
- Connect with every patient. Even if you use instruments in adjustments, you should take the time both before and after to allow your patients to experience your caring touch. Even if it's a few seconds long, it can help reinforce for your current patients that your treatment has caused a personal positive change. This can move your patients to tell others about their experiences with you.
- Enthusiastically ask patients to spread the word about their experience, offering three business cards or brochures.
- You must ask for referrals regularly.
- Be consistent with this approach, and "watch your practice grow".
- Stop looking outside yourself for answers. Your skills are the answer to your problem.
- Keep your marketing plan simple, tailored to you, and be sure it highlights your unique abilities.
- If you hire help with marketing, don't fall for generic ad campaigns. They won't work on generating quality chiropractic prospects. You need authentic and honest marketing that reflects your values and unique abilities.
- Don't play the blame game. It is unproductive to blame the economy, your staff, your town, or even yourself for a slump.
- Trust people that they will respond and business will increase.
Connecting with patients and doing what you do best... This is far more productive (and likely enjoyable) than slick marketing schemes.
Visentin S. Don't let marketing drive you crazy. ChiroEco November 2010.