Let’s look at four ways that you can increase your chiropractic website conversion rate.
First off, let’s start by defining conversion rate. A conversion is when someone submits information via a form fill on a website or landing page. If you have a social post linking to the contact us page on your website, then a conversion would be any time someone clicks on that social post, goes to your contact us page and submits the form. And the conversion rate refers to the percentage of people who filled out a form.
As a chiropractor, the types of conversions you will be seeking will be different from other businesses. For example, an online shoe retailer, will be looking for shopping cart checkouts on a new pair of shoes. But you’ll be looking for conversions on your contact us form, new appointment bookings or newsletter sign ups.
Did you know that the average conversion rate for websites is around 2% to 5% according to a study by geckoboard? Here are a few ideas to boost that rate.
1. Use pop-up forms
Pop-up forms work, but they have to be done right. You can probably recall a time (or many times) browsing around on the web and being greeted by a pop-up form. Some of these forms are more annoying than others.
The key to a successful pop-up form involves:
- Not being too annoying
- Providing a good offer that is contextual to where the visitor is on your site
- Simpler is better - keep the CTA short and form fields few
Here are some examples of the different types of pop-up forms from HubSpot.
Successful pop-up forms can have conversion rates above 9%, which is much higher than the average conversion rate for websites.
2. Implement live chat or a chat bot
Adding a chat feature to your website is a great way to provide a channel for people to communicate with your practice and provide their contact information and interests. Chat is almost like a more complicated form. You could also think of chat as a receptionist that can collect information for you 24/7.
We recommend asking for the email address up front so you can easily follow up with a prospective patient. Having a chat option on your website can lead to conversion rates of just over 7% according to data from Live Chat Inc.
3. Run a promotion
Running a promotion is a great way to up your conversion rates. But you’ll have to make sure you select the right promotion, a promotion that is valuable to people. If you want people to convert on an offer, then you’ve got to make sure that the offer is worthwhile. Andrew Schutt, CEO of Elevated Marketing says it well:
“My #1 tip for small businesses sharing promotional offers is to offer something highly valuable to your audience with Facebook Ads to grow your customer base. We recently ran a campaign for one of our chiropractic clinics giving away a free chiropractic adjustment - our highly valuable offer. As a result, we generated 21 new leads in only 7 days. When you give value out to your audience, you’ll get value back in return.”
Here are a few ideas for promotions you could run:
- Free first appointment
- Free adjustment
- Discounted rate for the first 3 appointments
- Discounted rate for ongoing chiropractic care
4. Start a newsletter
The fourth, and final, idea is to start a monthly or quarterly newsletter. A newsletter is a great way to get people’s information without a big ask to start your service right away or book an appointment.
Maybe someone is interested in chiropractic, but they aren't ready to start yet. They need a bit more information. Adding them to a newsletter is a great way to warm them up and get them ready to be a new patient.
With that said, subscribe to our newsletter to receive our updates and other great content!