Video is the Best chiropractic Marketing Tool

June 29, 2010

Fact: people don't read long articles anymore.

Fact: people watch 2 billion Youtube videos per day.

Fact: people want free education.


Pick up an inexpensive ($120-$200) camera that records video and start producing mini educational videos on the benefits of chiropractic. Then do a little video tour of your clinic and a brief interview, introducing yourself. These days, people need a sense of personal connection on the internet - it isn't just a big phone book full of advertisements.

When you've got 2-3 little videos put together, upload them to Youtube and embed the video on your website. Even know people won't read 2 paragraphs, they'll sit and watch a 6 minute video (if it's interesting!). Don't have the technical skills to record the video and upload it to the web? There are a dozens of tech-savvy middle schoolers who'd jump at the opportunity to make $20.

Trust me, it'll be the best 2 hours and $150 you've ever spent on marketing.

Rod Campbell
Marketing Director