Welcome to our website. Now leave!

September 04, 2011

It's a lot of work getting a visitor to your chiropractic website. Each year, more and more websites go online in your community, and they're all vying for the same patients. So it's a little shocking to see what some chiropractors do with their sites. It seems like some of them are actually trying to tell patients to get lost.

Mistake #1: Directly sending patients away by linking them away from your site

We see this a lot. A doctor wants to provide some information to their client, so they link to content somewhere on the web. Here's an example:


Right on the home page, this doctor has a bunch of links to articles on health conditions -- that send patients to other sites. The problem is that once you send someone away to another website, it's very unlikely they're going to come back.

The solution: have content on your own website!

With ChiroHosting, we provide you with over 500 pages of content that you can share with your patients, so you don't have to send them to Wikipedia!

Mistake #2: Scary design

Folks, it's 2011 and your patients are very familiar with what a professional website looks like.

You know the saying about first impressions. Think about what your patients will think when they visit your site.

Unless you have a degree in graphic design, leave the site design to the pros.

Mistake #3: Don't tell your patients anything about you

If you can't spend 10 minutes writing something about why you became a chiropractor, why should a patient feel like calling you for help?

This Doctor is Under Construction!

What kind of impression does that give a potential patient? You'll find the same "Under Construction" message under Treatments Available, Specific Conditions Treated, and the FAQ. And it's been under construction since March of 2010.

Again, another reason not to create your own website. You should be treating patients, not tinkering with HTML!

Those are the three big mistakes we see with many chiropractic websites.The good news is that your site doesn't have to make them. If you have the right team working on your site, you can have a content-rich website that makes you look like the professional you are!