When we're building one of our auto injury chiropractic websites for a client, we pay special attention to the content and keywords that we use for the blog posts and articles we provide. Properly written content with the correct keyword optimization helps your site in two ways:
- It improves your search ranking in Google
- It makes it easier for patients to find out how you can help them recover
The first rule for creating great website content is to make it relevant and helpful for your patients. Just a few years ago, you could get away with tricking Google by throwing a few keywords on a page and you'd rank well. Those days are gone. Google's search algorithm is much more sophisticated and it's able to determine if a blog post is real, useful information or spam.
The second tip is to make sure that you have many pages of relevant content. Google will take your site more seriously if you have multiple pages of related content that are linked together. Here are the topics that we focus on when creating auto injury content:
Headache After Auto Injury
Neck Pain After Auto Injury
Dizziness or Vertigo After Auto Injury
Shoulder Pain After Auto Injury
Back Pain After Auto Injury
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome After Auto Injury
Radicular Pain After Auto Injury
TMJ Pain After Auto Injury
Chronic Pain After Auto Injury
How Early Treatment Helps Recovery
Preventing Injury in a Car Crash
Each of these articles are based on the scientific literature, and they focus on the most common problems that your patients suffer after a car crash.
Solve Your Patient's Problem
From our research and analytics, we find that patients visit these pages frequently and watch the videos that we include on each article. For many patients who have been suffering from chronic pain, this is often the first time that their symptoms make sense. If a patient understands the root cause of their pain, they're more likely to visit a chiropractor who can help restore the natural function of the body and get them out of pain.
Remember this key point: people are visiting your website because they need a solution to a problem.
If your website provides answers, your site visitors will be much more likely to pick up the phone and schedule an appointment.
Need Marketing Help?
If you're like most doctors, you're busy running your practice and helping patients. You don't have time to create dozens of articles and videos for your website.
We're here to take care of that for you. We have the world's largest library of injury articles and videos, and we have talented writers on staff to create custom content for your website that will help boost your search ranking and get you new patients.
Read about our Chiropractic Marketing Programs or give us a call today at (800) 295-3346 for more information.