In the past, search engine optimization (SEO) experts said social signaling (i.e. likes from Facebook and engagement on social media) played a significant role in the ranking of your chiropractic website. Now, experts say that Google's new algorithms do not value Facebook likes in the same way.are not as important. More likes basically means that your content is being shared more often and that info will show up on your patients' news feed.
While many chiropractic practices pay for advertisements on Facebook (which can be effective), you can also market to your patients for free by simply getting your posts to show up on their news feeds. With that being said, someone can like your page and then never see your updates. Facebook tries to customize each individual's news feeds based on their history of liking and sharing certain items from different users. Ever wonder why it seems like one person is always posting to Facebook? It is likely because you liked or shared a lot of their content in the past, so Facebook is favoring that on your news feed. Other friends and patients of yours may be sharing just as much content but you may not see it as readily because you haven't engaged with their content in the past and vice versa.
In order to have more Facebook engagement and garner more Likes, you have to provide quality content, ask them questions, and respond to their comments. Facebook is a good way to keep in contact with your patients and maintain that engagement with them.
ChiroHosting's Automated Chiropractic Social Media service delivers daily posts to your Facebook, Twitter, and Google My Business pages. This provides quality chiropractic content for your patients to read and it keeps your Facebook page looking current and active.
Each post includes an image, article, or video. The best part is that every post links back to your website.
We aren't just interested in your SEO, we want to help your overall Internet image and marketing.