Do you have mobile editing for your chiropractic website?
It’s not enough for websites to be mobile friendly for visitors in this day and age, they also need to be mobile friendly on the backend to allow for easier editing and website management.
Let’s take a look at two benefits of mobile website editors.
1. Make edits from anywhere
With mobile editing for your website, you can make edits from anywhere your smartphone has access to cellular data. No need to have an internet connection or a laptop with you.
This way you could be on vacation and realize that you forgot to update your hours and it’s no worries. You can just login and update your hours with the mobile editor from whatever tropical beach you’re on.
2. Make updates anytime
Not only can you make edits anywhere, you can also make edits anytime with a mobile editor. You don’t have to be at the practice or the home office during work hours. You might wake up in the middle of the night and decide to update your about us page or be struck with an idea for a blog post in the wee hours of the morning. With a mobile editor, you can make the updates to your site 24/7/365.
A good mobile website editor will also meet the following requirements:
A good mobile editor will be secure. You don’t want hackers to be able to gain access to the backend of your website. With cyber attacks on the rise, you want to make sure that you’re smart when you select a provider with a mobile website editor to ensure that it is secure so that your information will be safe.
Easy to use
Just because something is advanced and robust, doesn’t mean that it has to be complicated. A good mobile editor will be easy to use. Think about how intuitive the iPhone was when it came, it was just as powerful as a computer in your hands, but much easier to use.
Compatible with many different browsers, operating systems, and devices
A good mobile editor will be accessible and usable from multiple devices and browsers. It will support multiple browsers to fit the different needs of the end users.
What are you waiting for? Get started today.
Looking for a website with a mobile editor? Ask us about our new N8 v5 Website Platform. You won’t be disappointed.