Finding a new doctor can be intimidating and a little frightening. A person suffering from pain is looking for someone who can help them get out of pain, but many of these folks have been to too many doctors and have suffered for too many years. Because of their struggles in finding someone who understands the root causes of their pain and who can help them get back to health, they need to be persuaded that you are the right option.
Patient testimonials are the key to assuring new patients that you’re the right person to call, and they're a key part of a successful chiropractic marketing strategy.
It's easy for a doctor to claim that they are experts in helping with certain conditions; it’s completely different when a patient makes that claim for you. Quality patient testimonials are an important part of the content you need to have on your chiropractic website.
What Makes a Good Patient Testimonial?
Have your patients tell their story.
People loves stories, especially when the its something we can relate to. A good patient testimonial tells a story of how someone was suffering and how you were able to help them recover and lead a healthier life.
To make it easier for your patients, you can send them a short questionnaire and then edit the answers into a testimonial to add to your site. Just make sure that you send the final edited copy to the patient for approval before you post it.
Here is a good outline:
- What health problem did you have before visiting our clinic?
- How long did you suffer before you came to us?
- What other treatments did you try before?
- How quickly did you get improvement from our care?
- How has your life changed since visiting our office?
- What would you say to other people suffering from the same health problem?
Video Testimonials
These questions work great for those patients who are willing to do a video testimonial for your office. You can just shoot continuous video, ask the questions of the patient, and then edit the video to just show the answers that the patients provide.
If you do a video testimonial, you’ll need to get a signed model release to keep for your records, as that will give you permission to use the video on your site. You’ll also want to have that include a HIPAA release, as a patient testimonial constitutes private health information.
Video testimonials are also a great way to build your video SEO, as a YouTube video with a proper title and description can show up in the Google search results when someone searches for a chiropractor in your city.
Integrating Testimonials on Your Website
There are three ways to add testimonials to your website:
- Put all of your testimonials on one page of your site, with a link from your menu to that page. This approach makes it easy for patients to read all of your testimonials and see how many people you’ve helped.
- Add a testimonial to a specific page. If you have a page on your site about sciatica, add a relevant testimonial from a patient who had sciatica that had improvement under your care.
- Write blogs posts about a particular topic and then add a testimonial that reinforces your post.
One you get testimonials integrated onto your site, you'll also want to make sure that you get those patients to write you an online review.
If you have any questions about testimonials or any aspect of a successful chiropractic website, just give us a call today at (800) 295-3346 and we'll be happy to help!