
Part 4: Don't Forget to Reply to Positive Online Reviews

This article is part of our Complete Guide to Chiropractic Marketing, from the section How to Get Online Reviews.

In Part One, we discuss how to Be Selective About Review Prospects.

In Part Two, we show write about Building Your Patient's Desire to Post an Online Review.

In Part Three, we talk about How to Make the Review Process Easy for your patients.

The fourth and final step in an effective online review policy involves following up with the person who wrote the actual review. The goal of this step is to 1) acknowledge that you saw the review, 2) share your appreciation or gratitude for the review, and 3) make good on an incentive if you created one to encourage the review in the first place.

In regard to the acknowledgement of and appreciation for the review, you can either do that in person during the person’s next visit or—depending on the capabilities of the review site—post a response to the actual review site itself. People love to see when businesses respond not only to their own reviews, but also other people’s. It shows that you’re a person high in character and integrity because you’re willing to take a few minutes out of your busy day to express gratitude for the people who took the time to say kind words about your services.